About the Silver Lady Traveler


(all right, not frequently asked yet, but they might soon be. It’s what I would want to know.)

Yes, these are my cold, cold legs.

Question: Where are you from?

Answer: Mid Maine, the Queen City of Bangor, via Boston, Illinois, North Carolina, California, Hawaii, and Arizona.

Question: Why are you not using your real name?

Answer: I am a practicing attorney, and, being a lady of a certain age, still feel that sharing too many personal details in an arena where one’s work colleagues or clients may read them is just generally a bad idea.

Question: Are you a solo traveler?

Answer: Sometimes. Silver Lady Manor (not its real name!) is in Maine and thus I have traveled here extensively, often solo, both for my day job and for leisure. Sometimes my Darling Spouse accompanies me. I also sometimes I embark upon a jaunt with my Travel Mentor, the fabulous Cassiopeia, She Who Travels Well and Often, to places as varied as Death Valley, Kauai, San Diego, and Las Vegas. (Being fabulous, the Lady Cassiopeia’s home base is in Las Vegas, as well it should be.)

The fabulous Lady Cassiopeia displaying largesse.

Question: Girl what you doing?

Answer: Yes.

More About the Silver Lady

I have been practicing law in the Bangor, Maine area since 1989. If I am not perfect soon, I will retire nonetheless. I also enjoy figure skating, singing, and baking stunning iced cookies but these activities do not put food on the table, until the day arrives when we have cookies for dinner.

Last year’s Holiday Gingerbread House.


My family includes the Darling Spouse; the Suave Urbanite Son; Wonder Dog Toby; and, arriving soon, the Dona Sabriel Rosita.

Wonder Dog Toby last fall. Speaking of falls, he once walked right off the end of the paddleboard into the water and swam straight to shore. He and the paddleboard are not good friends.
Because, as my friend the Quilting Maven said, “Just when you think you’ve seen everything, there’s a goat on a trampoline.”